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Argo Visual delivers opening ceremony of the 2018 Asian Paralympic Games

Argo Visual (PT. Argo Omega Prima), Christie’s Indonesian partner, delivered visuals for the opening ceremony of the 2018 Asian Paralympic Games at the Gelora Bung Karno Stadium in central Jakarta. Projection was the display technology of choice and Christie visual solutions were chosen for the job.

Projection was accomplished using 24 Christie Roadster HD20K-J 3DLP projectors with visuals displayed on a huge curved-shaped backdrop on the stage that measured 40m in width and 20m in height. It resembled the equator line with traditional elements and motifs in its structure and architecture symbolising the strength and fighting spirit of the country’s Paralympic Games athletes.

The 24 Christie HD20K-J projectors installed at the Gelora Bung Karno Stadium had to be hoisted to the fifth level of the arena using a crane, and fitted in customised stacking frames on two projection towers. Each tower housed 12 projectors situated about 170 meters away from the projection canvas. The physical installation process took three days to complete but the calibration and fine-tuning of the projectors lasted for another 10 days.

Ignatius Alvin Antono, managing director of Argo Visual, said: “For this event, the most challenging part was the long and extensive working schedule in the lead up to the opening ceremony, but thankfully we had everything set up without a glitch for the big day, and our efforts paid off handsomely when spectators cheered and applauded enthusiastically when the projections displaying traditional and modern imagery synchronised perfectly with the movements of hundreds of performers on stage. It was one of our proudest moments, and I’m very pleased that the Christie J series projectors rose to the occasion once again and delivered optimal visuals throughout the event.”
